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  • AddressC-20/1, Sector-62, NOIDA
  • Email principalcopn@gmail.com
  • Contact+91 7827323754

Program objective

  • To acquire the theoretical knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences
  • To acquire practical skills in
    • Isolation of medicinal compounds from natural sources
    • Synthesis and analysis of medicinal compounds
    • Screening medicinal compounds for pharmacological activities
    • Formulation of pharmaceutical dosage forms and their evaluation
    • To develop competent Pharmacists with ethical attitude, research intuition, leadership qualities, to participate in public health programs and engage in life-long learning

Program Outcomes

  • Ability to acquire knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences
  • Ability to design and conduct experiments, to analyze and interpret data.
  • Ability to demonstrate effective planning, develop and implement plans within time frame
  • Ability to function effectively individually and on teams including diverse and multidisciplinary,to accomplish a task.
  • Ability to under and appreciate the role of pharmacist in health care services
  • Understanding of professional, ethical, legal security and social issues and responsibilities
  • Ability to understand contemporary issues relating to pharmacy profession and challenges ahead
  • Awareness of ethical and professional responsibilities
  • Possess the necessary interpersonal and communication skills to be a productive member of the team in work environment
  • Ability to use current techniques, skills and modern tools
  • A strong background and motivation to pursue life-long learning

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